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Do you have a story to tell but can't find a way to tell it?
You are not alone!

Image by S O C I A L . C U T
Image by Maegan Martin
We humans love stories.
And we all have a story to tell.
Yes, even you!
I bet you have great stories!
You want to tell that story. Maybe it's the story of your life, that novel you’ve been trying to write for years, or maybe short stories or poetry. Whatever it is, whenever you try to write it, you freeze.

You find yourself staring at that blank page or maybe a blinking cursor for a long time. You conclude that you're not a "writer" and you stand up and walk away. Again.

Some people call this
"writer's block."


What if it's not "writer's block"?
What if there's no such thing?

What if the thing that's holding you back isn't a block at all?
What if it's just that there's this snarky little voice in your head giving you (unsolicited) "feedback" every time you try to write anything.  
  • Who do you think you are?
  • Your story isn't very interesting. Nobody would ever want to read it.
  • You can't say that!
  • You're a stinky writer anyway. You should just give up.
Ugh. No wonder you're not telling your story!
What if you decided not to believe that voice?

​What if you decided to just write, without thinking about whether it's "any good" or censoring yourself before your words ever get to the page? Without giving a single thought to grammar, punctuation or spelling? Without worrying about whether you're a stinky writer? ​​

What a relief that would be!

Maybe you don't have to suffer in order to write.
Or suffer because you have stories to tell and you're not telling them, and they're burning a hole in your soul.
Maybe you don't have to suffer at all.

Maybe all that's missing is some tools you don't have yet. Maybe all you need is a guide to light your way.
Image by Faramarz Hashemi
Hi! I'm Dee.

Multi-passionate, pan-spiritual, I practise & teach contemplative writing with a Buddhist flavour. Compassion begins at home. Writing practice takes me there.


I love helping people learn how to suffer less and enjoy more. How to quiet their restless mind and find their writing voice through the powerful practice of contemplative writing.


​What's that, you ask?

Contemplative writing is a unique and powerful writing practice that brings mindfulness and writing together on the page.

Leaf Pattern Design

I don't know where I would be with my writing if it wasn't for you and your contemplative writing sessions, but I know that I wouldn't have gotten far. Under your kind and skillful guidance, I was able to find, develop and trust in my voice. I have now completed a novella and several short stories about my travels. Your feedback is golden.

- Bonnie Hall, Public Servant and Human Rights Advocate

Find out what it's like to write for the sheer joy of seeing what emerges.
Pencil Bunch_edited.jpg

You could start now.

Yes, right now.

With these 3 simple steps:

2. Start a timer.
3. Write without stopping.

There's a bit more guidance in my one-page Guide to Writing Mindfully. You can download the (free) PDF here or

when you sign up for my newsletter.


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